Sunny Saxon

Animal messages are like feathers, they can drift in softly and yet have the potential for powerful uplifting.

Divine unfolding brought me to my life’s passion working with the animal - human connection and I feel blessed that our paths have crossed and you are here!

My Journey to Animal Communication…

My earliest memory as a child was camping with my parents and waking, sitting up with a corral full of horses in front of me. Although I was always drawn to horses and nature it wasn’t until in my 30’s that the equine energy would bring such change to my life. As long as I can remember I have always had a deep connection to the earth, moon, sky and all of nature. I experienced empathic psychic knowing with people and animals. When I was 8 yrs old I purchased National Geographic animal cards with money I had saved, pouring over them, learning all I could about each animal.

I also intuitively knew that I wanted to be of service and nursing became my focus in my 20’s. Nursing school was incredibly challenging, not only the studies, it also wasn’t resonating with me. I didn’t allow myself to consider other options, so I continued and received my RN. Although I loved helping people I was so sensitive to the energies around me in the clinical setting that it quickly became very depleting. The anxiety turned into a heavy depression, and it wasn’t until a back injury that I slowly began to open and allow myself to consider another path of service, one that was aligned with my intuitive nature. Reading many self-help books, I wanted more than anything to return to my childhood wonder and joy and find my true passion. The only thing I could reach for at the time was my love of horses.

Unearthing and Embracing my life’s calling…

Prior to the back injury I had been volunteering at a horse ranch cleaning stalls, grooming and building my confidence spending healing time with them. I began taking courses in horsemanship, Equine Body Work, Shamanic Journeying and Reiki energy work. Recovering from the injury I returned after 8 months to the ranch to reconnect with the horses.

A Defining Moment
On a beautiful spring day I returned to the ranch. One of the trainers asked me to bring a horse named Rosy to the saddling area. I walked down the barn isle and came to her stall completely unexpecting that my life was about to change dramatically. The moment I saw Rosy, a 13 yo strawberry roan appaloosa, her energy flooded to my heart center, awakening within me a life force I hadn’t felt for a very long time. There was an instant connection and knowing on some level that we were meant to be together. Her owner agreed to lease her to me. She was a big, fiery mare and to say I was intimidated would be an understatement! After a 2-month lease, I was given the privilege of becoming her new person. On the day that she became mine I was excitedly looking at her paperwork and to my utter surprise saw that her registered name was Sunny. She has been one of my greatest lifes teachers. She was a mirror for me to look at myself with the invitation for inner growth.
Challenging End of Life Decisions

Lakota, my first Golden Retriever, an old soul taught me an invaluable lesson about end of life. At 13 years of age he had lost his sight and had slowly withdrawn from his surroundings. I had shared with him that when it was his time to leave his body to please give me a clear sign. We were leaving the house one afternoon and he was walking in front of me. He turned around, looked at me and I clearly heard him say “I need to go with my dignity”. I stopped in my tracks and couldn’t believe how clearly, I had heard him. It was with this profound message that he shared that I carried with me into each end of life process with my animals to follow and into my work at the time as a hospice nurse.

Passion and Purpose
Honoring my true empathic, clairvoyant nature and re-building my self-worth took time, years. I set nursing to the side relying on financial support from my spouse and continued to evolve with my intuitive abilities working with animals. I volunteered my animal communication and body work services with horse rescue non- profits. My work with horses, dogs, cats and birds continues to expand.
Leap of Faith

Following a divorce and years on my own with my animals supplementing my income with nursing jobs I knew I had to honor my path and make some big changes. I sold my house, purchased a living quarters horse trailer and took to the road. It is when I finally committed to my passion that Divine intervention stepped in again. I came across a podcast with the incredibly gifted Karen Anderson, an Animal Communicator and Pet Loss Specialist. With her vast experience and expertise. I completed her Mastery Course in Animal Communication. The gift of finding and learning from her was perfect timing.

It has been a joyous, painful, rich journey… and I truly wouldn’t have it any other way. It has given me the insight and skills to receive animal messages that are clear, meaningful and empowering. Living my passion with Angels, Spirit Guides and Divine helpers by my side every step of the way. My heartfelt intent is to assist you with enriching the relationship you have with your beloved animal. Whether they are here physically or in the afterlife, facilitating healing where needed. Supporting you in trusting your own intuition. And providing your animal a unique joyous opportunity to share with you more of who they are and the important part you play in their life.


What do they say

Anatole France
Anatole France
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Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened.
Louis J Camuti
Louis J Camuti
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Love of animals is a universal impulse, a common ground on which all of us may meet. By loving and understanding animals, perhaps we humans shall come to understand each other.”